Mini Cupcake Favor Box Template

Use this free printable cricut cupcake box template to send cupcakes home as favors at your next get-together! Cupcakes have become so popular over the past few years. Everybody loves these little bite-sized confections and their compact size makes them perfect for favors!


This printable uses the basic shape of a milk box, but with the window and candy-striped awning the box quickly becomes a pint-sized bakery. It’s super-cute and pretty easy to put together.

You’ll need:


2 sheets of white card stock for the box and awning
cricut plain white paper for the folding template
double sided tape
cricut ruler (or other straight-edge)
glue stick
cricut x-acto knife
bone folder
small piece of ribbon
clear plastic page protector (for the window)
hole punch
Cricut Templates

cupcake box template
cupcake box top template
cupcake box folding template

Example Fold out Box Designs

Print out the box template, the awning template, and the folding template. Cut the shapes out following the solid lines. Align the folding templates over the actual box cut-outs and use your bone folder to score the cricut cardstock along the dotted lines. Once you have the lines on your cardstock, go over them again with the bone folder to make sure you have good creases. Use your cricut x-acto knife to cute out the window panels. Now you should be able to fold the box into shape (just keep in mind how a milk carton is shaped and you should have no problem). Follow the same instructions for the awning. Top the box with the awning and use your hole punch to punch two evenly-spaced holes at the top. You will string your ribbon through the holes and tie it in a pretty bow, which will be the box closure (but you might want to put your cupcake in first!).


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